We had one more bank to cross: The Great Bahama Bank. We spent six hours in average 10ft of water, doing 10kts. We hesitated at the get go if we should do it, but the route we took was one of three suggested routes from Berry Islands to Bimini Island. A couple hours in, we passed 97ft Grumpy (which we had seen at Bradford Marine Ft Lauderdale in March getting work done) going East. If she can do it, so can we.
The tide was going out to start, knocking off 2-3kts our cruising speed of 13. Then the tide was coming in, still knocking 2-3kts off our speed. The Waterway Guide describes the current (horizontal movement of water, tide being vertical movement of water) as hard to predict in the Bahamas. If it was easy, it would have been charted by now.
Think of the Bahamas as a shallow plate, with an uneven rim. As the tide comes in, water takes the path of least resistance, or lowest part of the rim, and when it gets high enough, takes the next path of least resistance, or second to the lowest rim. With so many variations of the rim, depending on where you are located on the plate, the current can change an hour or so after the tide. It is hard to the predict the unpredictable.Five hours across the bank, Tom was tired of doing 10kts (which we were ecstatic to do cruise at in our last boat). He kicked it up 150rpm to 1700rpm. And guess what, we gained 6kts, now cruising at 16kts. The learning continues on operating our boat in different sea conditions, and getting her on a plane.
We passed a wreck, which unfortunately the lighting was not correct for a good photo. And took a shortcut to Bimini in shallow water (red in initial photo). Tom slowed down at 7.7ft. We got to 5ft. Easy peasy.
Our second time entering Bimini was much easier than our first. We knew the buoys were not accurate from Hurricane Matthew, and to read the bottom to find the new channel.
Bimini was also quiet compared to the last time we were here five weeks ago. We were ok with that. We stayed at Bimini Big Game Club again. We got our last cracked conch fix at the bar before departing tomorrow morning for Ft Lauderdale.