As we make our way back to Nassau with our second set of guests on board, it’s almost like we are old pros at cruising the Exumas.
The wind was not favorable for anchoring off “pig beach” but we dropped anchor anyways in the lump with about twenty other boats. We then saw a 55ft power boat pick up anchor and go through the narrow cut to the North side of Fowl Cay where it was calmer. We dropped the skiff to check out the current. And then we shot the narrow passage, too.
We’d never, ever, attempt to transit a passage this narrow in our boat back in the PNW. It would be like transiting a 30′ passage with an 18′ beam. Oh wait, that’s what we did.Spot the passage we went through?
Yes, it’s that sliver between Fowl Cay and Big Majors Spot.
Fowl Cay was calm, and idyllic. We skiffed around here the last time we were at Staniel Cay, and not a single boat was anchored here. Today, there were five.
We saw the nurse sharks at Staniel Cay, and enjoyed a meal and entertainment at the bar.
We saw the pigs, twice. Boy can they be hungry little buggers.
We had an unpredicted thunderstorm race through, and knock out the cell tower and power to Staniel Cay for a day. Oh, and we dragged anchor during that squall. A bikini and a raincoat was all that Tessa needed while on the bow in sideways sheets of rain.
Said unpredicted squall coupled with a plugged scupper sent gallons upon gallons of water into the engine room (a poor design of our boat), where one of our four bilge pumps was not working. We bailed pickle bucket after pickle bucket of water while it was still raining buckets. Was that sweat or rain? Both.
You might think where is that paradise we mentioned? Then the sun broke and we had a glorious afternoon.The only rainbow we’ve seen with all these thunderstorms.
The next day was more paradise.We did some gunkholing, amazing snorkeling a short distance from where we were anchored, and got almost swept away by the current through Thunderball Grotto.
Tbunderball Grotto reminded Tessa of the Hong’s (caves) in Thailand.Tessa and Venetia skiffed into Staniel Cay to buy fresh fish from the fisherman. He unfortunately didn’t catch any fish today, so they enjoyed the local vibe and a drink at the bar while they caught mahi for dinner.