We again, were transiting in less than 8ft of water to anchor in 8ft of water. Reminder: we draw 4ft.
We anchored off of Pipe Cay to explore Pipe Passage. The multiple shades of blue, here, is truly unreal.
Compass Cay Marina is another exclusive marina, tucked in the South end of Compass Cay.
It is truly line of sight navigation, with shifting sand and coral that grows, you cannot alone rely on charts. You also cannot rely on markers or buoys, as they may have shifted during the hurricane. Comforting. What we had going for us was we were arriving on the flood tide.The Waterway Guide says that the color in Pipe Creek is gin like, and it sure was. We have also learned that most of the Exumas are privately owned. And why wouldn’t you want to own an island in the Bahamas?
Pipe Creek
We did not like our rolly polly anchorage at Pipe Cay, so we made the brave decision to move ninety minutes before low water to the NW side of Compass Cay in 8ft of water. We still rocked a bit, but not as bad.
The water, again, was stunning.Looking over to Bell Island
Our private beach. Apparently one of the most secluded and beautiful in the Exumas.
The color of this water. We have had a quick and steep learning curve on how to tell the depth of the water depending on what shade of blue. This color = 9.6ft.