All of us aboard hit our rock bottom this week. Tessa first, Tom the day after, and Juan two days later. Our mechanic in Ft Lauderdale said this boat would test us (she has not had any TLC in a couple years), and she has.
Tessa was ready to sell her, Tom was ready to head back to Ft Lauderdale and ship her, Juan was ready to book a plane ticket outta here.
And then our second guest, Emma, arrived.
We learned that the old name was still on the boat in two places. We quickly expunged the old name, and did another denaming and naming ceremony on Friday the 13th. We were married on Friday the 13th, Tom was born on Friday the 13th, we truly believed that things would get better from here.
Also before the naming ceremony we learned we blew a fuse to the inverter. This isn’t your average car fuse. Tessa at first thought it was a solenoid.
Of course, like anything that has broken down in the engine room, it is on the outside of the now hot engines from running. Tom can not squeeze by the engines without touching them, so Tessa volunteered.Juan and us have a phrase: Cambodia hot. We now have a new phrase: engine room hot. Because he and Emma had never seen Tessa this flushed. But, she was able to swap out the fuse and make the generator work again!
Our berth for the night at Grand Bahama Yacht Club.
Grand Bahama Yacht Club, beautiful setting for a wedding. Great WiFi, but the pool bar was not staffed. So, we brought our own!